The Queen of woven fabrics! Explore fine and high value Cashmere-Scarves from DANTE.

Touchable values

It is quite a long way- requiring time and patience- from the smooth down hair of the Cashmere goat to a wonderful soft, super light and warming Cashmere scarf. Combed out in painstaking handwork this most precious of all natural fibers is processed –using raw thistle roughing methods - into a fine cashmere fabric, which is the base of our high quality DANTE Cashmere-Collection.



The noble classic

Your stylish companion for almost every occasion – extremely soft and of a timeless elegance- our exclusive DANTE Cashmere-Collection shows a spectrum from natural and earthy hues to bold and modern colours in a variety of smart weaving patterns. The precious cashmere thread is caressing your skin and conveying an exclusive and incomparable feeling of well-being.